Veins in the legs: symptoms and treatment of varicose veins with effective methods

sore legs with varicose veins

Varicose veins are one of the most common pathologies in which the diameter of the vein lumen expands and its walls thin, resulting in the appearance of "knots", which are local expansions similar to aneurysms.

The disease occurs when the venous valves do not fulfill their functions or are completely absent. When the valves stop working, blood begins to flow through the veins in the opposite direction, gradually accumulating in the lower extremities. As a result of these pathological processes, the vein changes its normal shape, after which various complications begin.

Varicose veins are a very common disease. According to statistics, 1/3 of the world's population has it. Therefore, if a patient is diagnosed with varicose veins in the legs, what is this question does not arise. Half of first-stage patients don't even know they have a problem.

Varicose veins in men in the legs are 3 times less common than varicose veins in women. Also, older women get sick much more often. Under the age of 25, only 8% of women suffer from varicose veins, while in patients over 55, the disease is diagnosed in 65% of cases.

Symptoms and signs of pathology

The symptoms of the disease can vary significantly depending on its stage. Thus, in the initial phase, it may be asymptomatic. Sometimes, dilated veins are visible to the naked eye, but there are no symptoms. With varicose veins, some patients always protrude, and some of them become visible only after carrying out serious physical activities. Many people notice signs of varicose veins after spending all day standing in hot weather.

Observation! If you find yourself with thickened veins with nodular dilatations, if they swell when you stand up and narrow when you lie down in a horizontal position, they are probably varicose veins in your legs.

Symptoms of varicose veins include swelling of the legs, which occurs when a person is sitting, standing, or doing physical activity. In this case, the swelling usually disappears as soon as the patient assumes a prone position.

heaviness in legs with varicose veins

Another sign of the condition is pigmented areas of skin on the inside of the leg. The skin in this place acquires a painful shine, the hair in this area almost always falls out.

The characteristic signs are also chronic fatigue of the legs, heaviness and burning. Some people experience pain with varicose veins and cramping. In this case, patients wear stockings for varicose veins.

Causes of disease

As a rule, varicose veins occur in people who, by virtue of their profession, are obliged to stand for a long time, for example, teachers, hairdressers, cooks. It is important to understand that varicose veins are not just an aesthetic defect that bothers many of the fair sex.

Varicose veins are a pathology that develops over a long period of time. And this happens under the influence of various adverse factors.

Among the main causes of the disease, doctors distinguish:

  • excess body weight;
  • violations of the digestive tract, frequent constipation;
  • flat foot;
  • weakening of muscle fiber tone as a result of a sedentary lifestyle;
  • great physical activity;
  • weightlifting;
  • constant tension of the leg muscles.
weight lifting as a cause of varicose veins

At the same time, doctors who treat varicose veins consider overweight as the main reason for the development of the pathology. It creates a strong load on the legs as a result of worsening blood circulation.

Inflammatory diseases of Organs reproductive organs in women, endocrine disorders, prolonged stress, toxin poisoning and a genetic factor can also lead to varicose veins.

Unfortunately, congenital pathologies of venous valves are transmitted from parent to child in 70% of cases. If one of the parents has varicose veins, the child can get sick very early.

Observation! The presence of a predisposition to varicose veins does not mean 100% that a person will develop this disease. Pathology can occur only in the presence of concomitant adverse factors.

Varicose veins in pregnant women

Many pregnant women face a problem like varicose veins. They feel constant fatigue, their legs swell and hurt. According to statistics, circulatory disorders during pregnancy develop in 20-40% of patients.

The first symptoms of the pathology in 20-30% of women occur during the first pregnancy and 40-60% during the second. After 3 deliveries, the risk of developing pathology increases by 80%. At the same time, women who are predisposed to this disease often have varicose veins. This situation is exacerbated by the fact that pregnant women should not take pills for varicose veins. In this case, the doctor can only recommend proper nutrition and pantyhose for varicose veins.

varicose veins treatment at home

Faced with this disease, patients understand that the treatment will be long, and the first thing that interests them is the question: "Varicose in the legs: how to treat it? ".

healthy legs after varicose veins treatment

To begin with, you must answer the question: is it possible to self-medicate with such a serious illness? After all, this is a serious pathology, at the first signs of which it is recommended to consult a doctor. Only a doctor will be able to correctly determine the stage of the disease and prescribe the most effective treatment, help you choose socks for varicose veins.

However, in some cases, doctors themselves recommend treating the disease at home. These activities should include therapeutic exercises, use of various ointments and tinctures. Also, it is highly recommended to wear compression garments for varicose veins.

To relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, you can clean the affected areas daily with ice cubes or take a cold bath with ice for 5 to 10 minutes. After that, it is recommended to lie down for 10 minutes, lifting your legs above your body. Massage is very beneficial for varicose veins. Improves venous circulation.

Also, you can use the following recipes.

Decoction of hop cones

To prepare the medicine, pour 1 tbsp. I. hop cones with a cup of boiling water and let ferment in a warm place for 20 minutes. This remedy for varicose veins should be drunk every morning 30 minutes before meals.

decoction of hop cones for varicose veins

A mixture of garlic and honey

To prepare the mixture, crush 250 g of garlic with 400 g of honey and steep for 2 weeks. This mixture should be consumed 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp. I.

Cabbage in the treatment of diseases of the veins

To cure varicose veins, spread a cabbage leaf with honey and apply to the sore spots, wrap everything with plastic wrap and leave for 2-3 hours. This procedure should be carried out regularly 1-2 times a week.

Observation! All patients with varicose veins should be under the supervision of a phlebologist. Folk remedies for treating varicose veins can help prevent the condition or relieve its symptoms. In advanced cases, varicose veins on the legs are treated with medical preparations.

Treatment of varicose veins with medication

Drug therapy is an important component in the treatment of varicose veins, especially in the severe form. Properly selected drugs significantly reduce the risk of complications in patients, such as pulmonary thromboembolism, varicose eczema, thrombophlebitis.

Generally its action aims to thin the blood, improve blood circulation, eliminate swelling and pain.

In addition, medications help solve the following problems:

  • improvement in vein tone;
  • improvement of lymphatic flow;
  • better blood circulation;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes.

Medicines will not only relieve the patient of unpleasant symptoms, but with regular use, they will completely cure the disease.

Observation! Only a doctor can prescribe medication for the treatment of varicose veins after a thorough examination!

Prevention of varicose veins in the legs

As for the prevention of the disease, it is recommended to avoid heavy loads on the legs, while sitting, you need to change your posture as soon as possible. In addition, you need to do light exercises, such as tiptoeing, climbing stairs, running 2-3 km a day, cycling. Women are not recommended to wear heels that are more than 4-6 cm high, jeans and tight socks, which can impair blood circulation in the leg veins.

Observation! The best prevention of this pathology is an attentive attitude to your body. When the first symptoms appear, you should see a doctor as soon as possible and start treatment.

Only a phlebologist can properly assess the condition of your veins and determine the stages of varicose veins. Paying attention to the disease in the early stages, the doctor will prescribe a treatment for varicose veins without surgery.

diet for varicose veins

How to get rid of varicose veins with a diet? Phlebologists say that by eating certain foods, a person can improve their condition and worsen the course of the disease.

With varicose veins, doctors recommend eating blood-thinning foods as much as possible. These include currants, garlic, onions, olive oil, cherries. If you have the opportunity, consume these foods every day. In cooking, it is recommended to use spices such as cinnamon and ginger.

cinnamon for varicose veins

However, proper nutrition for varicose veins does not guarantee that you will completely get rid of the disease. In addition to proper nutrition, you need to perform light physical exercise for varicose veins. They will help you to lose weight. After all, varicose veins, as a rule, occur in overweight people. The diet must be selected together with the attending physician. Ideally, if it helps to strengthen blood vessel walls, thin the blood and lose weight.

varicose veins exercises

No matter how modern and good the drugs are, they will never be able to normalize the pressure in the lower extremities. In this case, only exercises for varicose veins can help.

Observation! Before doing exercises for varicose veins, experts recommend placing your feet on a pillow and lying down for 5 to 10 minutes. This is done to normalize blood circulation.

  1. Bicycle. Lie on the floor with your back and lower back firmly pressed against it and start pedaling in the air. Choose the speed of the exercise yourself, however, it is not recommended to overdo it.
  2. vertical scissors. Lie on the floor and stretch your arms along your body. Cross your legs during the exercise. Try not to let your breath catch at this point. You can even choose the pace of the exercise.
  3. Exercise for lower legs with varicose veins. Rotate your feet in different directions, bend and unfold them. You can rotate them clockwise, then counterclockwise, then up and down. This exercise can be done with each leg separately or you can do both at the same time. The advantage of this exercise is that it can be performed during working hours, under the table, before taking off your shoes.
  4. semi-print. Lie on the floor, put your hands behind your head, bend your knees. As you inhale, try to lift your torso as high as possible, and as you exhale, take the starting position. This exercise should be repeated 5-10 times, depending on fatigue.
  5. Onion. Lie on your stomach with your arms stretched along your torso. Try lifting your chest and legs at the same time. Perform the exercise 10-15 times.

After performing these exercises, it is recommended to use a contrast shower.

Observation! Exercises for varicose veins will only benefit if they are performed regularly, combined with the use of prescriptions and medicines from traditional medicine.

Varicose veins are a serious disease that requires complex and long-term treatment. Therefore, it is better to prevent it than to treat it.